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United Futbol Academy


TA Scholarship


                    TONY ANNAN SCHOLARSHIP (TAS)

The Tony Annan Scholarship is designed to provide further opportunities for talented, dedicated and committed soccer players who are prepared to work hard to move their game to a higher level.

Each season-long scholarship will provide High Performance Development strategies to each successful applicant.  It must be highlighted that this is for dedicated, serious and committed soccer players only. 

This application process is open to USA youth international soccer players within UFA only.

If successful with the application process, each soccer athlete will have full access to UFA’s High Performance Department providing

  • Contemporary Soccer specific physical preparation coaching sessions to develop elite players
  • Develop high tempo explosive soccer actions improving speed, strength, power, flexibility and movement potential
  • Recovery training methods
  • Nutritional support & information
  • Performance lifestyle techniques

Please contact Director of High Performance Andy Thomson at andy@UnitedFA.org for further details.

Click here to learn more

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