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United Futbol Academy


Academy/Select Tryouts


Instructions on how to set up an account in the new registration system can be found here


UFA Mountains 2025-2026

Click Here for Tryout Info by County

Please contact Wendy at Wendy@UnitedFA.org to volunteer to help at Tryout Check-In or Uniform Fittings


U8 Info Meeting: TBD
U8 Evaluations: TBD
U9-U14 Tryouts: Varies by County
U15-U19 Tryouts: Varies by County
Uniform Fitting @ Dawson: Saturday, June 7th
Select Team Declarations Due: 6/30
Team Camp: 7/21 - 7/25

Do you have questions about UFA programs?
Please submit your question here.

U7/U8 Future Academy (2018-2019)
Parent Info Meeting:
Friday, May 9, 2025
Time: 5:30-6:30 p.m.
Location: Rock Creek Park Pavilion, nearest Field 3
Future Academy Evaluations: Friday, May 16, 2025
Time: 5:30-7:00 p.m.
Location: Rock Creek, Field 3

U9-U12 Academy and U13-U14 Select (2012-2017):
Monday-Wednesday, May 19-21
U9-U11: 5:00-6:30 p.m.
U12-U14: 7:00-8:30 p.m.

U15-U19 Select (2007-2011): Tentative
Tuesday-Thursday, May 27-29
U15-U19 - Time: 6pm-7:30pm

Location: Rock Creek Park. Check-In under Pavilion, nearest Field #3

Click the links below for additional information:

Future Academy
Academy FAQs
Select FAQs
Team/Coach Projections
2024-2025 Academy/Select Fees
Age Group Information
Uniform Information 

What to wear and bring:

  • Please do not wear any club-identifying uniforms/apparel (including shirts, shirts or jerseys).
  • Wear cleats and shin guards
  • Bring your ball
  • Lots of water

Team Acceptance

Team acceptance emails will be sent as soon as the rosters are confirmed. Online Acceptance Registration MUST be completed, with payment, within 3 daysto ensure a spot on the team.

Tryout registration for Academy and Select will be open May 1st. If your player would like to be evaluated for the upcoming soccer season with the United Futbol Academy, please be sure to register him/her online. Simply go to our website at Mountains.UnitedFA.org, log into your account and search under AVAILABLE PROGRAMS for “2025 - 2026 MOUNTAINS Academy/Select Tryout (U8-U19)”. There is no cost to tryout. However, all players must register online. Players will not receive their tryout ID number until they have been registered. There will be no registration at the field. If you need help with registration, please contact Wendy@UnitedFA.org for assistance.

Players should attend all sessions for their age group.  


Please do the following:

1. Register online for 2025-2026 MOUTAINS Academy/Select Tryout (U8-U19)
2. Notify your current coach
3. You may contact us upon your return to see if spots remain available and an evaluation may be scheduled.

Uniforms: Fitting and Order Information 

As a part of our ongoing partnership with Arsenal Football Development, the 2025-26 Arsenal Pre-Game jersey is part of the Annual Uniform Requirement for all teams.  The 2025-26 jersey will be available in the Lloyds online uniform catalog beginning with Uniform Fitting dates in June.  All UFA players for the upcoming seasons, returning and new, will be required to purchase the annual Pre-Game jersey.  (Please note: Arsenal changes their pre-game jersey style every year. That is why it is a required uniform item that needs to be purchased by all players annually.)  

U8 Future Academy Players: All players are required to purchase and wear the Futures Uniform package.

U8-U19 Academy/Select Players: All players are required to purchase and wear the UFA uniform package through our approved vendor.

Players will receive an email from orders@LloydsSoccer.com. (Please be sure to add this in your email contacts so that it does not go to spam.) The upcoming Fall season will be the second year of a two-year uniform cycle. All new players will have to order the complete uniform package in June, at the scheduled fitting listed below. Once your player's uniform order has been placed, there will be NO exchanges. With that in mind, players are strongly encouraged to attend the scheduled uniform fitting. Location of Uniform Fittings subject to change based upon team formation.

Uniform Fitting @ Dawson (all ages):
Location: Rock Creek Park Pavilion, nearest Field #3
Boys & Girls: Saturday, June 7th
Time - 9:30am-11:30am

At the Uniform Fitting
-Players should wear clothes that will allow them to try on the uniforms OVER their clothing

Orders will be delivered to your team manager in August.

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